Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

cutest. thing. ever.

no, i'm not talking about puppies i'm talking about the new power couple: Dakota Fanning and Freddie Highmore! to see dinner date pictures, click heaarreee 

wow this is betterr than other people i seen before. two super movie stars that are better than disney channel kids are dating! wow!

just so you know i'm sorry i hardly blog cos i now use twitter more! 

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

so far so good?

hello! yesterday my mom got my family tickets to see hp6! I'm so incredibly lucky because in pim, the tickets are all sold out until july 20! as of today i am now scraping cheese out of my lasagna and eating the beefy part. 

i love going on safari every morning and / evening. the websites i open usually are youtube, twitter and lookbook. Right now? loving Nancy Z. from lookbook. her sketches are just so beautiful. click here to look at her profile

i wonder how these people i saw on the website got great style. where do they find heir clothes? ahh i want them!!

and tomorrow i will watch harpot in pim, horeee!

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

here we go again

besok mulai belajar lagi! bawa notebook lagi! nulis agenda lagi! muter muter gedung smp lagi! nulis nulis lagi! baca baca lagi! ngerjain itu lagi ampe karatan! udah gitu pretest lagi! 

tapi kok malah buka twitter? fesbuk juga lagi! website teen choice awards juga lagi! yahoo ama yutub juga sempet sempetnya dibuka lagi! haahhaahaha

post ini pelampiasan mood saya yang lagi swing swing gitu. yah biasa ya moodnya juga stres jadi main ayunan! 

mood good + mood bad = mood swing swing ( swing-nya sengaja dua kan biar bolak balik)

bad mood + cold spaghetti = PISSED OFF! 

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009


i went to school today. its not crowded at all. my new class is 9n, the teacher is ms nur. she teaches bio. thank god katasha and nuy are my classmates. but i suddenly has a weird feeling today. it made me more nervous than before. is this a bad sign?? or a good one?? please god help. i prayed, remember?

i ended my day bringing a trash bag sized plastic bag with all my school books in it. pretty heavy.

and now all i hope for is for another week to relax. school doesn't think so. they gave us 9th graders some freaking unsw test next month. before i got hyped and stressed out, lets just suck our lollipops and drink our chrysanthemum drinks ( wow i spelled it right! :) ) and chill.... :D

the MJ fever got boring anyway. 

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009


well lets pause my trip to hk story. i was just checking to my hotel room that day and turned on the TV to watch CNN. And what i saw in the news border shocks me entirely. Michael Jackson is dead. Because of his cardiac arrest. Then i went to unpack my clothes for 2 minutes. And when i look at the TV i saw another horror. Farrah Fawcett is dead (too). Because she lost her battle to cancer. It's so sad to see these legends dying of medical mishaps! Farrah died because of cancer and Michael dies because of his cardiac arrest. It's just so sad! God bless Michael and Farrah.
